Monday, March 28, 2011

Magical Spring Recipes

I have been thinking of magical activities which might make the glaciers retreat from the deck and back garden. Not that I mind the sedimentary deposits of four months of snow, all crispy and edged with dirt. I just can't stand Bhiksu's shrill complaints as he stares down the back door, willing it to open.

Cooking is, of course, the best of magical activities. My recipe books make a pile that reaches to the ceiling of my cave. I haven't even opened all of them.

How the tips of my whiskers vibrated when I opened the index of a particularly fat one and saw the entry, HALIBUT. Think of it, recipes addressed to ME. The maker of this cookbook, though, thinks I must be particularly fond of fish, which as a landlocked prairie-dweller, would be a difficult kind of game for me to pursue too enthusiastically. Still, I think that Delicate has a large frying pan somewhere in her closet.
"A recipe for Halibut." Thank you, how kind!

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