Friday, June 18, 2010

Delicious Ravens

These are birds after my own heart.  Unfortunately for them, if they choose to peck at my heart, I will vacuum their bird brains out of their eye sockets.  They don't usually nest in my Stupid City, so I feel privileged and hungry to have them so near.

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

The beginnings of my new wealth

Éditions Flétan is pleased to present to you an entirely new work by the esteemed librettist M. Jean au Visage-Poilu.  M. V-P:  Milles remerciements chaleureux pour votre foi téméraire!

L'amour d'un orange: opéra aux trois chats

En anglais.

Scène: un jardin. Ghoon et Bhik mangent de l’herbe. Orange entre; Ghoon regarde très intentement son cul. Il revient chez lui avec dignité, en chantant (baritone):
I see his eyes! I smell his pain!
All that he wants is a princesse lointaine (tra la)! 
Ghoon commence à chanter, à la voix épuisé et indistincet d’un eunuche:
My hero lies in the next garden
My hero lies over the fence
The centre of love and ambition
The centre of reason and sense

My hero lies in the next garden
My hero lies over the wall
The centre of meaning and being
Without whom I’m nothing – at – all!
Bhik le regarde avec sympathie fraternelle, et commence à chanter (countenor)

O Ghooney your hero
Is not such a queer-o
Is not such a queer-o
As you

All night he is sleeping
While you, dear, are weeping
With eyes so wide open
And blue

So come now my littermate
Don’t be such a catamite
Forget all that amour

Let’s sleep with each other
Like brother and brother
Vive Ghooney, vive Ghooney
et moi!
Ils s’embrassent. FIN.