Friday, April 9, 2010

I thought my cave was ex-directory

From: Dr. Mr Pot Joe Hello, Do accept my sincere apologies if my mail does not meet your personal ethics although, I wish to use this medium to get in touch with you first because it's fastest means.

I really do not know why Dr Mr Pot Joe Hello is writing to me. Nor do I understand his mysterious reference to 'my personal ethics'.  Has he somehow heard of my high-minded approach to small fowl and tender rodents?  My loving relations with the young of all beasties?  (Why, even now I listen for the first peeps from the ugly magpie chicklets, so that I may go out and greet them with my claws and teeth.  Welcome to the world my tenders!)  Well, for whatever reason Dr Mr P. J. H. is on my case, I must say that I am cold both to his prose and his offer of friendship.  I shall not reply.